Saturday, December 29, 2018

MLW Fusion Episode 37: Konnan vs. Low Ki - No DQ World Title Match

Salina de la Renta’s Promociones Dorado has been in a war with Konnan since August and tonight on beiN SPORTS the saga reaches a violent showdown with gold, power and arguably the future of MLW hanging in the balance. In the main event, Konnan will come out of retirement to challenge the reigning World Heavyweight Champion Low Ki for the belt in the legendary luchador’s hometown of Miami. The bout, a no disqualification encounter, will test Konnan as he takes on a man undefeated since debuting in MLW in 2004. Low Ki has buzz sawed through Rey Fenix, Shane Strickland, Daga and many others and now he looks to add the legacy of Konnan to his mantle of trophies. Konnan looks to follow in the footsteps of Randy Couture in the UFC and George Foreman in boxing and return to the ring and claim gold in a classic Cinderella Man story that dates back to the days of James Braddock. Can Konnan do what no other wrestler has done and dethrone Low Ki? Find out tonight on beIN SPORTS at 8pm ET! Following last week’s No Holds Barred fight, Simon Gotch is determined to show the world his dominance and that in fact losing to Lawlor was a fluke. A confident Gotch will showcase his prowess in a $20,000 Prize Fight Challenge. So far, every challenger has come up short. Will anyone be able to last the full 5 minutes? Tune in to find out. Team Filthy newcomer Ariel Dominguez will be in action as he takes on pro wrestling’s skywalker Andrew Everett. Following last week’s tragic nightclub assault of Kotto Brazil, league sources believe an update on Kotto and the assailant will be available by the time FUSION hits the air on beIN SPORTS tonight. The Hart Foundation may have continued to march up the tag team rankings with a win over Tommy Dreamer and Barrington Hughes but the hardcore legend Dreamer has some choice words for Pillman following last week’s bout. Join Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini from South Florida for a great night of pro wrestling!

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