Tuesday, December 18, 2018

David Arquette Goes Off About Negative Wrestling Fans (I'd LOVE To See Him Face To Face, No BS)

he says see me wherever he's wrestling and we'll settle it like men? Here's the question. What if he sees some fan, like myself? And he gets his ass kicked? THEN WHAT! He obviously didn't think his little rant thru too well.

Yesterday, NWA announced David Arquette would be wrestling at the upcoming Pop-Up Event on January 5 in Nashville, Tennessee. As noted, NWA World Champion Nick Aldis will be facing James Storm, NWA National Champion Willie Mack will defend against Matt Cross, while NWA Women's Champion Jazz takes on Allie.
Arquette apparently received enough negativity from some fans that caused him to respond on Twitter in a series of tweets. In them, he referenced his WCW World Heavyweight Championship win back in 2000 and why he's wrestling now. Here's his full response:
"I love all the hate I'm getting here. It baffles me that these people can love wrestling just like I do, but I'm a joke in their eyes. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. Eight months of training. Two surgeries, three broken ribs, traveling across the US, getting stiffed by promoters, helping shine a light on talent I believe in that aren't getting recognized, doing little things I won't mention to give back to both wrestling and individual wrestlers, and I'm the a--hole? Wrestling is for the people and by the people. I may have grown up in Hollywood, but I'm not some stuck up punk. I had an opportunity to be a part of WCW when I was in my 20's to travel with some of my heroes in the ring and I took it. I'm done apologizing. Now I just want to kick some ass, so any of you b------ have a problem with me I'll see you in Tennessee or wherever I'm wrestling and we can settle it like men."

 Last month, Arquette made headlines in his brutal deathmatch against Nick Cage at GCW presents Joey Janela's L.A. Confidential in Los Angeles, California. Near the end of the match, Arquette had his neck cut from a broken light tube, causing him to nearly leave the match, and then attempt to shoot on his opponent at the end of the bout. Arquette later said in a statementhis lack of experience caused problems near the finish and confirmed deathmatches wouldn't be in his future.
The former WCW Champion gave his side of the story to Sports Illustrated:
"It went off the rails a little," Arquette admitted. "I was pretty pissed. I was at fault for it. Once I got cut, some things happened in the ring, and I reacted. We were both at fault for the neck cut, but me defending myself is how it actually happened. I was in the hospital and had to have surgery to sew up my muscle and clean up my wound. It is what it is. I have no hard feelings with Nick Gage and I hope he doesn't have any with me."

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