Monday, November 26, 2018

Update On Guy I Recently Put In Check On Twitter- Ethan Page Apparently Gets Smacked, then Blocks

This is an update on a story is posted that you can revisit at this link right here. I had asked Alpha-1 Wrestling (That's based in Canada) about updating their YouTube channel, with more than a minute or so match clips and they went into 'sales mode' about how better it is for me to spend ten bucks a month for their streaming service. I explained that if I did that I couldn't put a link to whatever they have here onto this blog, which would give more exposure for the company and more people can see what they have to offer. I also explained that other companies that have deals with FITE and whatnot post their shows and complete matches on their YouTube channel as well (A valid point that both Alpha-1 and "ALL Ego" Ethan Page neglected or chose not to see, or didn't 'want' to see). A guy who works as a DJ in NYC and doesn't even work for Alpha-1 tried to engage against me and when he saw he was failing, he ran and blocked me knowing he was getting his ass kicked verbally, by me.

As you can see by the shots posted here, Ethan decided to throw his two cents in, and in the end when two others threw down on him, he ran as well and had to block the very people who put him in check, as well as Alpha-1 getting checked when someone posted how another company over the weekend (Beyond Wrestling) posted complete 'full' events back to back two days in a row. As well as Alpha-1 suddenly becoming silent when yet another person checked Alpha-1 on their claim they had complete shows on their YouTube Channel.

As I always say, proof is, a mother fucker so here's a mother fucker giving you some proof.

So yes besides a guy named "CrazyChris576" who works as a DJ in NYC getting checked by me, you can now see how Ethan Page bitched up after getting smacked by blocking, and Alpha-1 is very quet now that they've been put in their place as well. You can see this here.  and here

It does get to be really easy putting people in check like this when they really have no good arguments to come with in the first place. Don't say shit on social media unless you know for sure your ass isn't gonna get fact checked and put in check. In the end you wind up looking stupid like Page and Alpha-1 has. 

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