Saturday, November 17, 2018

Has NJPW President Harold Meij Get His Ideas From Jim Herd's Time At WCW?

Most people know that Jim Hers was aregional president or manager of a pizza chain when he got the job of running WCW, which proved to be an absolute disaster and failure. SO.. Has NJPW done the same thing? Putting people who have no experience in Wrestling to help run.. A wrestling promotion? WWWEELLL Apparently....

Recently, there was a lot of tension between some members of the Being the Elite crew and the new office put in place by NJPW president Harold Meij, who put all of his own people in positions that didn’t have any previous experience in wrestling and their demeanor rubbed the Being the Elite crew the wrong way. Multiple sources tell PWTorch that there was hope the relationship between the Being the Elite crew and the NJPW office could be smoothed over in order to continue working together in the future. According to multiple PWTorch sources, it not seem at this time that any members of the Being the Elite crew outside of the ones under contract will be working with ROH in 2019

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