Friday, November 23, 2018

Another Dumb Ass On Twitter I Had to put In Check. (It's just way too easy when you deal with dipshit mentality)

So I got into this discussion on Twitter with someone from Alpha-1 Wrestling concerning updating their YouTube channel. Pro Wrestler "All Ego" Ethan Page decided to get involved and this moron "Chris" decides to jump into it. "Chris" isn't an employee of Alpha-1 Wrestling, if anything he's an Ethan Page mark who works in radio somewhere in NYC (while Alpha-1 is a Canadian indy fed, why Chris decided to throw himself into something that involves a Canadian indy fed? Beats me).

Chris wound up being like alot of the other idiots on Twitter and FB I've had to put in check, someone who has no idea really about how the indy wrestling business is, or how a blog like this one actually helps plug and give exposure to indy feds who appreciate what I do with this blog and the many many people who read what I post here every day. Chris was the latest example of trying to throw insults at a guy who's a master and has a PHD in this kind of engagement. Someone actually sent me these screenshots before he himself got blocked by Chris as well because Chris wasn't just getting hammered by me, but by at least three others as well were thumping him all over Twitter.

In the end as you can see by the shots, Chris couldn't handle the fact I took all his arguing power away from him when I one, provided proof of how many viewers of this blog I get just today (which shattered his claim about my 'tiny blog' not getting many fans). And second,  when I told him 'come talk to me when you actually promote or locally promote an indy show, then you'll finally have something credible to say". The result is what you see, he ran and hid behind a block, proving he couldn't handle the fact he was getting checked by me and others nonstop when he should've just gave up and walked away knowing he was unprepared for the verbal beating he received.

I went to see if I could grab more from the thread to add to this but all of Chris's replies on the topic are gone thanks to him being a chickenshit and blocking me. It was pretty much the same responses i get from everyone else that ever tries to engage against me trying to put themselves over. So many different people but yet they ALL, always have the same ol same ol five same replies and cop outs and not much else. Nothing ever ereally differs from the same ol typocal responses i always get. Unlike Scherer and John son at PWInsider or Joshua Gagnon at WrestlingInc, I don't block people. As you can see, I MAKE, people block me because they get humiliated by me so easily. Someday, it'll actually be a challenge when someone tries to engage me because if this is always the end result (someone like Chris blocking me), and I wasn't even trying or really giving alot of effort putting his ass in check? Then maybe he, like the others I've checked, should go to insult school and learn how to battle before trying it against a master like me and easily getting slaughtered so bad they're crying behind the block they set up as a result of being embarrassed so easily by me. In the end as you can again see, I don't run, i make others run, LOL!

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