Monday, October 22, 2018

WWE Marks Are Falling For This Roman Reigns "Excuse" When They Don't See The Obvious

The shot you see above? was posted as part of Meltzer's update, was posted as RAW was on the air. Now unfortunately the WWE marks are falling for Roman's Leukemia 'excuse' but don't see the most obvious pieces to this.
Roman, like others on the WWE roster don't want to so the Crown Jewel show in Saudi Arabia and really who can blame him? A journalist was killed and Saudi Arabia was responsible for it. Businesses left and right have been pulling out of business deals with Saudi Arabia over this but yet Vince McMahon, is bound and determined to keep the show going there, no matter what flack it may bring him and his company, or stockholders.
So Roman doesn't want to go and took a stand, you think he really could've went out there and said what he said without the WWE scripting that promo for him? Come on, they script every promo, right down to the last word. It's a nice attempt at covering the fact Roman doesn't want to go to Saudi Arabia, and since the new Universal Champion is now going to be crowned, where? OOHH yes, Saudi Arabia at Crown Jewel. You don't see the obvious that even a blind man can see?
Much like when Shawn Michaels didn't want to do a job so he dropped the title claiming he "lost his smile", here we have this. Roman didn't want to go to the show, and probably didn't want to do the job on that show, so let's come up with this so he doesn't have to and seems to have a safe yet 'very convenient' out, especially with the timing of all this. It all comes together nicely in a pretty package with a bow on top that any blind man can see.
How the WWE marks can't see what is so fucking obvious here, is beyond me. But. That's why alot of them are still marks and I, will always be alittle smarter than them. Again, the timing and how they pieced it together is wwaayy too convenient. Only an idiot can't see this and believe me, there's alot of WWE fans proving to be idiots tonight.  

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