Saturday, September 22, 2018

Cody Rhodes Taken To School On Twitter.

Updated... I added a pic of CHWF officially saying that it was the NWA's (Corgan) decision, not theirs. So Now we know where the blame really lies, eh?

I first wrote about a meet and greet involving Cody Rhodes and Championship Wrestling From Hollywood acouple weeks ago. The original link is here.

Someone I know took it to Twitter and it got Cody's attention which I updated it with this link here. and because of this I had to break down and create a Twitter account. Just so I can speak on this myself. I've added some screenshots as proof of this, and as you can see Cody really doesn't look so good in these Twitter exchanges with me or the guy who called him out on the original story of the meet and greet. I can actually add one where Cody said something about followers on Twitter and I countered with a screenshot showing him that I don't need followers when I can post a link to my blog and get viewers (Something Cody conveniently dodged when he realized he was put in check).

Cody in one of his Twitter replies claimed he can do what he wants with the NWA World title. Reality is, he can't and most people know it but the guy I know called him out on those words and you can see how Cody quickly tries to walk back from those words, and doesn't really do a good job at it either.

I could also grab another shot of where Cody claims this isn't a story but.. The shot I've included here of views of my most popular stories today shows that one of the stories I posted on all this, 325 people just today clicked on it and viewed it. SSSOO. It's NOT a story because Cody says so? LOL. 325 people pretty much proved him wrong, and that's just today mind you.

Earlier in this long Twitter exchange he advised someone to 'mute' what Gino Bradley says.. Maybe after all this Cody should've taken his own advice because clearly he's been taken to school here, even if his ego and attempts at no selling that fact can't cover that fact convincingly.

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