Saturday, February 24, 2018


Chaotic Wrestling “The Road to Cold Fury”

Woburn, MA

February 23, 2018
It’s the go-home show for Chaotic Wrestling as they head into their marquee Cold Fury event next month.  Tonight’s main event has the current Heavyweight Champion Elia Markopolous going up against New England Champion Josh Briggs in a non-title match.  The man getting a shot at the Heavyweight Title at Cold Fury, JT Dunn, will face off against Martin Stone in his debut for the promotion.

MATCH ONE: “All Good” Anthony Greene & Chase Del Monte v. Cam Zagami & “Man of Steel” Mike Verna

Verna and Del Monte are currently feuding, while Zagami and Greene are also feuding.

This was a really fun, entertaining and well executed opener.  It had the right blend of seriousness with a dash of comedy that was in the context of the separate feuds.  Verna looked like he had AG beat with his finisher but the ref told him AG wasn’t legal, as they did a tag when Verna wasn’t looking.  This allowed Chase to blindside Verna and hit the Cradle 2 the Grave piledriver for the victory.

It advances the Del Monte/Verna ongoing storyline of Chase always having Verna’s number through less than on-the-level means that (I assume) will lead to a big match with them at Cold Fury.

After the match, Chase and AG went to go after Zagami, but Chase ducked out on AG.  Zagami then laid AG out to continue their feud.

WINNERS: “All Good” Anthony Greene & Chase Del Monte

MATCH TWO: Brick Mastone v. DL Hurst

Mastone returned to Chaotic last month when he laid out Brian Milonas and debuted a new Hanibal Lecter/Mankind/crazy gimmick.

There wasn’t much to this match, as it ended up being an extended squash.  To his credit, this was the best Brick looked in a long time as far as his physicality and his execution.  Plus, it was good to see him as something other than nondescript wrestler guy Brick and trying to branch out character wise.  I’m excited to see where it goes.

Mastone won with a modified Dragon Sleeper.  After the match, Milonas came on screen and said he promised GM Johnny Vegas he would stay out of the building because he would hurt him, but announced he got his wish and they would go one-on-one at Cold Fury.  Good segment building to next month.

WINNER: Brick Mastone

MATCH THREE: Killanova, Inc. (Christian Casanova & Tripilicious) v. Scotty Slade & Mikey Webb

This ended up being an okay match after a rough start.

The finish saw Tripilicious pull out a chain to use against Webb, which he often does in matches.  Webb cut him off and the chain ended up in Slade’s hand.  He went to use it, but Tripilicious ducked and Slade hit Webb.  They then dumped Slade outside and hit a double team Codebreaker on Webb for the win.

I would like to see Casanova branch out as a singles more in Chaotic as I think he has a lot of potential.

WINNERS: Killanova, Inc.

Tommy Dreamer appeared on the screen and cut a promo saying he’s coming back to Chaotic at Cold Fury to get extreme and he’s bringing some friends with him.

MATCH FOUR: JT Dunn (w/ Sammi Lane) v. Martin Stone

This was a really tremendous, hard hitting, nose-to-the-grindstone style of match that was a joy to watch.  It was two veterans who have worked together multiple times putting on a clinic.  There really is nothing more to say about this terrific contest.

The finish came when both guys got into a wild slap and striking battle at the end.  After firing up for a big lariat to end it, Stone turned and ran right into a running elbow from Dunn for the win.

After the match, Dunn cut a very good promo putting over the Cold Fury match against Markopolous.



MATCH FIVE: Chaotic Tag Team Titles – The Maine State Posse (Danger Kid & Aiden Aggro) v. The Logan Brothers (Matt & Bryan)

The Logans are 9-time Chaotic Tag Team Champions.

This match was clearly designed to build toward something else at Cold Fury, and everyone played their parts really well.  It was an entertaining enough match, but the story was the involvement of Casanova & Tripilicious.

Danger Kid was about to make a hot tag to Aggro after an extended heat spot when Casanova and Tripilciious pulled Aggro off ringside.  At the finish of the match, the ref was distracted and the Logans used the powder as they are want to do and threw it in the eyes of Aggro.  They went to go for their double team move when Casanova pulled the leg of one of the Logans from ringside.  This allowed Aggro to roll-up the other Logan for the win.  Very clever finish.

WINNER: The Maine State Posse

MATCH SIX: Chaotic Women’s Title – Ashley Vox (c) v. Delmi Exo

This is the third match in the last few months between them.

Before Vox could get to the ring, she was jumped by Davienne.  Exo came out to help her sister when Alisha Edwards came from the back and jumped Exo.  This brought out GM Johnny Vegas to make it a tag team match with The Sea Stars against Davienne & Edwards.

Edwards ended up getting the pin on the champion Vox after a long, extended heat that saw Exo selling most of the match.  The highlights of this one were the work of Davienne and Edwards.  They both showed a lot of fire and intensity in their performance and were great to watch.  They teased some competitive rivalry between the two of them during the match.

WINNERS: Davienne & Alisha Edwards

MAIN EVENT: Non-Title Match – Elia Markopolous v. Josh Briggs

The finish saw Elia go for the belt to hit Josh.  Dunn came to the ring and stopped him, but as they struggled, Elia got the belt away and hit Josh with it while the referee admonished Dunn.  That allowed Elia to get the win.

I thought this was a good main event.  Elia is light years better as a heel than he was a babyface and his performances in that role keep getting better.  Briggs is slowly improving in each performance as well, and he did just fine tonight.

WINNER: Elia Markopolous

After the match, it was a non-stop schmoz with everyone lined up to face each other at Cold Fury.  Killanova, The Maine State Posse, The Logans, Chase Del Monte, Cam Zagami and Anthony Greene all came out and took each other out.  This led to a huge Briggs dive over the top to the floor on everyone.  Dunn and Elia faced off in the ring and Dunn was down on the floor.  Sammi Lane came in and stopped Elia.  They all came to their feet, and instead of hitting Dunn, Elia clocked Lane with the belt. It got the desired effect as the crowd went pretty quiet for the big sell. Dunn carried her out of the ring.  I thought this was a really good ending building toward Cold Fury.

Overall, this was an excellent show.  I thought they did a really great go-home show.  All of the big angles were emphasized and everything got over really well

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