Sunday, February 11, 2018


Booker T had Corey Graves on his radio show "Heated Conversations" today to clear the air after Booker's comments from last week, where he blamed Graves for him losing his spot on Monday Night Raw.  Right off the bat, Booker and Corey said it was all a work.  They said it was kind of curious because they said none of the reporters contacted them to ask about.  To that I would respond, reporters posted your words Booker, so that doesn't make it fake news as you assert.  And Corey please give all of the reporters your phone number and will be glad to check with you on every story pertaining to you. 

As I said last week, if Booker was working only he knows for sure, but they did talk about others speculating on what the goal of his statements were (which is what commentators are supposed to do).  As it turns out, they had one last segment of the radio show to do and had nothing to talk about, so Booker decided to make his statements and get people talking.

He also said that he was actually happy to removed from the Raw announce team, and Graves concurred.

Graves also mentioned that Big E had any problem with New Day mocking the "story" in their bits on Smackdown, and Corey said go for it.  Booker didn't know since he didn't watch Smackdown, and he laughed when he was told about it.

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