Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Want more Rocky Mountain Pro Wrestling? Ok, here. Charged | Season 3, Ep 10: The Mean

Published on Jan 18, 2018
This week on Charged, after defeating Rocky Mountain Pro Champion, Curtis Cole, last week, Humphrey Jacobs 1st is in action in the Main Event. This time against Charged Champion, Anaya! Can the King of Old Style turn back the challenge of the new age brawler or will Anaya be able to stop the mean streak dead in it's tracks?

You will also see action in the Lockettes divison as Rachelle Riveter and Heather Rae go one on one. Alpha Omega head into battle with Kaiden Koyama. And the unlikely pair of Tyler Stinson & Stephen Ashburn, the former Balance, team up once again under order of Mario Vanjur to take on the team of Big Vig & Tremaine Island.

Tickets: https://www.universe.com/users/rocky-...

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