Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Northeast Wrestling news.

Northeast Wrestling announced last night that former WWE World champion Mark Henry will be appearing at their 3/2 Wrestlefest XXII event in Waterbury, CT, which is one of the company's big cornerstone events of the year.

Henry will be appearing before the show for autographs and photos.  He will obviously not be wrestling but will be appearing over the course of the event as well.   The former Emma, Tennille Dash will face Deonna Purrazzo on that event with Rey Mysterio and Flip Gordon also already announced.  Rey Fenix and Penta 0M had been slated for this date but were pulled to work Lucha Underground TV tapings.

NEW returns to Bethany this Saturday 1/13 with Flip Gordon vs. Joey Mercury, a 30 Man Rumble featuring former WCW star Glacier and Robbie E. among others and more.   The promotion has one of the busiest schedules of any group today

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