Monday, November 6, 2017


Edward King was on hand as our master of ceremonies to welcome us to the show. King expressed his thanks to the Wildkat fans for their support over the last 6 years. He then introduced the new Wildkat Heavyweight champ, ‘Wildcard’ J Spade. Before Spade could speak the fans began chanting, “You deserve it!”

Spade again thanked the fans for their support. He listed off his I Quit Match with Danny Flamingo and his submission and iron man matches with Matt Lancie as instances where they had been behind him. He was looking forward to his first title defense. He then asked that Edward King introduce him as the Wildkat Heavyweight Champ once more.

The celebration was stopped short by the music of Bruiser, Spade’s opponent for the night. Bruiser said he wanted to personally congratulate Spade. He pointed out that he himself is a 7 time MCW Heavyweight Champ. and warned Spade not to underestimate him. He then extended his hand as a sign of respect. and raised the hand of the champion. While Spade’s guard was down Bruiser leveled Spade with a slap and commenced to pummel him. A t-bone suplex knocked the wind from the champion and Bruiser stretched him out on the mat. Taking back to the mic Buiser said, “I told you, punk. Don’t underestimate me!” as the fans chanted, “You suck! You suck!”

Spade walked to the back under his own power, though smarting, to the adoration of the fans.

Blk Jeez v ‘Mythian Warrior’ Anthony

Before the match started Anthony flexed at Blk Jeez (formerly known as Sabian) from ringside with a young fan who had been jawing with Jeez.

Our match started out with some incredibly smooth chain wrestling; an exchange that soon saw Jeez roll to the outside requesting a time out as fans jeered him. Back inside Jeez was unable to make anything stick against his opponent and took some punishment in the form of a headscissor takedown and a slingshot elbow.

Anthony kept up the pace until a well placed kick stopped him in his tracks. Blk Jeez kept the upper hand for a bit by bending the rules in between doling out his own more legal forms of punishment. Jeez went to the top rope calling for something big, but was stopped by the uppercut of Anthony who then superplexed him off of the turnbuckle. Anthony’s newfound momentum wouldn’t carry him long however, as Blk Jeez nailed him with a sick German suplex for a 2 count followed by a flatliner. Back on the top rope Jeez flew across the length of the ring for a frog splash. Still he was only able to get a 2 count. A woozy Anthony landed a desperation superkick, but was unable to finish the deed. Jeez was caught by the official trying to use the rope for leverage during a pinfall, which allowed Anthony to get back to his feet to roll up Jeez for a 3 count.

Winner: ‘Mythian Warrior’ Anthony

This was a great way to start off the show. Highly entertaining with solid work from our wrestlers.

Anthony is a true pro in all of his matches and it’s always refreshing to see talented wrestlers like Blk Jeez make their debut in front of a new crowd.

Black Wall Street (Drolix and Marcellus Prime) v ‘Chalmation Sensation’ Danny Flamingo and Sam Houston

Houston and Drolix started us off. Drolix seemed hesitant to engage so Houston tagged in Flamingo. Drolix out-quicked Danny to begin with but soon found out why Flamingo is a former Revolution Champion falling victim to some dropkicks and arm drags. This prompted Drolix to retreat to the safety of his corner and tag in Marcellus Prime. The much larger Prime was impossible for Flamingo to overpower and Danny found himself being pummeled by the mountainous Black Wall Street member.

Houston tagged in and started putting his veteran experience to work, attacking the knee of Prime. Drolix tagged in to try his luck against the legend, but found himself in the same predicament as Prime. Black Wall Street was able to stop the assault of Houston following a double team, and the two began to pummel the vet taking every shortcut they could to keep the ball on their side of the court.

At this point the match began to resemble a street fight as a fired up Flamingo re-entered the fray. A DRS jawbreaker dazed Prime, but the referee was distracted by Drolix and didn’t count the pin. This allowed Prime to get back to his feet and nearly put Danny through the ring with a press spinebuster. Prime dumped Houston outside unceremoniously and was soon sent to the floor himself by a Rocky and Carlo’s Special (bicycle kick) from Flamingo Our former Revolution champ then landed on all three men at ringside with a death defying crossbody from the apron! The steet fight like nature of the match continued at ringside and both teams were then counted out to a draw. Not to worry as our combatants weren’t finished beating on each other. The two teams were then separated by security as Houston jawed with the official over not counting the pinfall earlier.

Winner: Draw

Rest assured this is not over. I’m looking forward to the next chapter of this rivalry. This contest had a feeling that it was personal, thanks in no small part to the brand of fury only Danny Flamingo can bring to a match.

‘Ruthless’ Ryan Davidson v ‘The Situ-Asian’ Bu Ku Dao

For years, this rivalry has been building up from the beginnings of a rolling boil to a volcanic eruption.

The two started in on each other before the bell rang and laid in some hard shots. An early Wasabi attempt by Dao ended up landing him on the receiving end of a thunderous slam. After that Davidson began inflicting a textbook beating on the ‘Situ-Asian’. Dao refused to quit and fired back with some quick elbows, but couldn’t fully swing momentum back in his favor. Still Davidson was unable to break the indomitable will of the former Wildkat Heavyweight Champ as Bu Ku would not stay down for a three count or give up while being stretched. An expertly placed DDT from Dao left both competitors on the mat trying to shake out the cobwebs.

Dao showed that he has learned his lesson from battling much larger men by attacking with some lightning quick offense in the form of strikes and a facebuster, but a successful Wasabi attempt could not keep Davidson down for the three. Dao then wrapped up Davidson in The General Tso-Mission who was able to reverse the hold into a pinning attempt. Dao slipped the pin and held Davidson’s shoulders to the mat with a crucifix pin for the three count.

Winner: ‘The Situ-Asian’ Bu Ku Dao

After the bell rang, Davidson was enraged. He set to work dismantling Dao finishing up with a fisherman buster. After the referee pleaded with him, Davidson finally took his leave so that Doa could collect himself and walk to the back.

Both Davidson and Doa have highly entertaining personalities and always put on a great show in the ring. Putting them together is a sure winner. The fire and intensity that they’ve been bringing to this feud is a nice new take as well.

‘The Equal Opportunity Ass Kicker’ Ruby Raze issues an open challenge…

Raze took to the ring ready to call out anyone in the back who would dare try and best her. Before she could speak we were all surprised to hear the intro music of ‘The King of Dong Style’ Joey Ryan!

Ryan strutted out to the ring with his patented swagger while the Wildkat fans lost their minds. If they had had rose petals in their possession they would have been tossing them at his feet. Ryan asked who wanted his lollipop, then placed his sucker in the mouth of one ‘lucky’ fan wearing an Ultimate Warrior t shirt.

At the start of the contest Joey Ryan  stuck out his pelvis and exclaimed, “Touch my penis!” A YP Plex seemed imminent, but Raze refused. He grabbed her arm in an arm lock and tried to force contact, but Raze escaped and began laying in right hands.

The fight then rolled outside and that’s when things got serious. The two began choking and striking each other to great effect right before the front row fans with Ruby Raze coming out on top of the exchange. Much to her chagrin she soon fell victim to a YP Plex, but Ryan was only able to get a 2 count! A Boob Plex later and Raze was reeling.

Ryan produced a second lollipop from his tights and the fans went ballistic. He placed it in her mouth for Sweet Tooth Music, but still only got a 2 count! The fans were now fully behind Raze who used her newfound momentum wisely. Punishing Ryan with a series of suplexes and slams she then felled him with a rope-hung brainbuster for the 3 count!

Your Winner: ‘The Equal Opportunity Ass Kicker’ Ruby Raze

Short, sweet and wall-to-wall entertaining. Yes please! Raze was the perfect opponent for Joey Ryan’s first showing in a Wildkat ring. A match handed down by the wrestling gods themselves. I’d love to see Ryan return to take on more members of the Wildkat roster in the future.

‘Wildcard’ J Spade(c) v Bruiser for the Wildkat Heavyweight Championship

After taking an eternity to engage, Bruiser had both the fans and the champion riled up. He used that anger to his advantage and smacked Spade with some cheap shots. Spurred on by the fans, Spade fired back and the two engaged in a back and forth full-contact sparring session both in and out of the ring. Once back inside Bruiser ducked a diving crossbody by Spade, but only picked up a 2 count.

Stretching, stomping and pummeling the new champion, Bruiser was cutting a path to victory with each passing moment. When the referee found himself distracted by Bruiser’s valet, the challenger took the opportunity to choke out Spade with a piece of his athletic tape. Taking every opportunity to break the rules, it was clear Bruiser had no intention of competing in a fair fight. The battered champion refused to give in, but couldn’t build a head of steam against his first challenger.

Bruiser found himself on the losing end of an exchange of right hands and Spade followed up  with a tornado DDT and a diving crossbody for a controversial 2 count. After having words with the referee over the count Spade fell victim to a t bone suplex also for a 2 count. A discus forearm to a bewildered Bruiser later and J Spade was able to pick up the pinfall victory!

Winner: ‘Wildcard’ J Spade

Exciting and high energy. The perfect first defence for Spade. Spade is a true athlete and is proving himself to be a deserving champion. I’ve also enjoyed Bruiser at the last two Wildkat shows and hope to see him more in the future.

Kojak Sly w/ Hardbody Harper v Krazy With a K

The mammoth Sly stalked Krazy from across the ring like prey. Kojak proved impervious to all of Krazy’s attacks who took an incredible bump in the form of a fall away slam when trying for a diving crossbody.

After nearly decapitating Krazy with a lariat, Sly lifted his lifeless body overhead for a vicious facebuster finally putting him out of his misery via 3 count.

Winner: Kojak Sly

Kojak Sly is definitely becoming more and more of that monster in the ring he was meant to be.

Ken Dixon(c) v Socorro w/Hardbody Harper and Kojak Sly

Socorro immediately marched out to the ring after Kojak Sly’s victory and Harper proclaimed that they would not be waiting for the main event for Socorro’s Revolution title rematch. He demanded that Ken Dixon make his way to the ring and the Revolution Champion was happy to oblige.

It was clear early on that this was personal as the two began slugging and wrenching away with some hellish blows and holds. Socorro quickly resorted to pulling the beard of Dixon. Sly and Harper proved invaluable at ringside. After Socorro missed a Splash of Soco, Dixon sent him to the outside so that he himself could recover from the assaults of Sly and Harper.

Once Socorro was back inside, Dixon began bending the rules in his own way, fighting fire with fire. The vicious slugfest that this match had become got out of hand as the referee was leveled in the whirlwind of their melee.

Unable to count the three after a belly to back suplex from Socorro. Sly took the opportunity to aid Socorro in leveling Dixon, but the champion was back to his feet before long to deliver an avalanche ace crusher to Socorro. He was only able to pick up the two count though and following some shenanigans from Sly and Harper, Socorro was finally able to hit the Splash of Soco and pick up the 3 count.

Winner: Socorro

A good high paced contest with plenty of action and story. If I had to sum this up in one word, it would be, “intense.”

Pump Patrol (Curt Matthews, Jared Wayne and Johnny Flex) v ‘Southern Stomper’ Luke Hawx and ‘Outlaw’ Matt Lancie

Matthews and Lancie started us off, and Pump Patrol quickly took to using underhanded tactics to get ahead. Having had enough, Luke tagged in. Soon all out chaos had erupted in the ring orchestrated by Pump Patrol, but Lancie was quick to level Wayne and Flex. After sending Matthews to the outside to join his teammates, Hawx and Lancie started mocking Pump Patrol by doing pushups and squats.

Always having something to prove against Hawx, Flex tagged in and engaged. Hawx was quick to overpower him and set in with his patented back breakers, getting in 5 of them before Flex escaped. A fired up Flex then escaped a press slam and sent Hawx to the outside with a dropkick.

Once both were back inside Lancie and Matthews tagged in and took the fight to the outside. As they beat on each other, Jared Wayne hit them both with a rolling senton from the apron! Hawx tried to dismantle Johnny Flex, but the quick and sly Flex was able to catch him on the middle rope for a powerbomb! A Pumple’s Elbow on Lancie got them a 2 count. Hawx tagged in to deal with Wayne, but the two wrestled to a stalemate. Lancie came back in hot and destroyed Matthews’ ribs with a spear! Wayne intervened and in the confusion Flex mistakenly hit Wayne in the eyes with a handful of protein powder.

Lancie and Hawx took Wayne apart with a combination powerbomb to blockbuster double team! The three count was just the cherry on top.

Winners: ‘Southern Stomper’ Luke Hawx and ‘Outlaw’ Matt Lancie.

This match has been building since X-Rated 3 back in June. All five of these guys always give more than 100% in the ring and it’s a real treat seeing them all in there at the same time. As a fan following the story it was also nice to see Pump Patrol get their comeuppance.

Revolution Rumble

Each year Wildkat puts on a unique rumble match at their anniversary event. Two combatants start off in the ring and the rest the entrants fill in one-by-one at regular intervals until all 15 have made their way in. Competitors are eliminated when they are thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the floor, as with regular battle royal rules. However, when only two wrestlers are left the match is restarted as a singles one-fall-to-a-finish contest. The winner is then granted a shot at the coveted Wildkat Revolution title at the following show.

The entry order for the match was as follows.

  1. Drolix
  2. Jace Valor w/ The Mobile Home Mafia (Herc ‘ZZ’ LaBouef and Bubba Boudreaux)
  3. Mr. Bates w/ Nathan Bradley
  4. ‘Mr. Excellence’ Brandon Scott
  5. Marcellus Prime
  6. Johnny Flex
  7. Scott Phoenix
  8. Edgrin Stone
  9. Joey Ryan
  10. Jared Wayne
  11. ‘Chalmation Sensation’ Danny Flamingo
  12. ‘The Situ-Asian’ Bu Ku Dao
  13. ‘Money’ Mike Carradine
  14. Blk Jeez
  15. Kojak Sly

Marcellus Prime was eliminated by Edgrin Stone. Mr. Bates suffered the same fate by Stone’s hand. Jared Wayne was then eliminated followed by Drolix. Scott Phoenix was eliminated by Edgrin Stone. Stone was having a career day!

Bu Ku Dao was eliminated via YP Plex from Joey Ryan. Danny Flamingo was eliminated by Johnny Flex. Joey Ryan was then eliminated. Mike Carradine was eliminated by Kojak Sly.

At this point Edgrin Stone and Kojak Sly stood toe-to-toe. Stone drew Sly off balance and eliminated him. Johnny Flex then sneakily eliminated Blk Jeez.

Our final four were Jace Valor, Johnny Flex, Edgrin Stone and Brandon Scott.

Johnny Flex used his cunning to stay in it, nailing Edgrin Stone with a drive by dive from the top rope and Brandon Scott with a sunset flip. As Stone tried to eliminate Flex, they were both dumped outside by Scott and Valor.

We were down to just Jace Valor and Brandon Scott. At this point the match was restarted as a one one one contest.

The two went at each other with a fury I had never seen from either of them before. Brandon Scott took over initially as the MHM tried to coach Valor from ringside. When Scott missed a diving fist drop Valor tried to take advantage, but was unable to match Scott’s pace.

Jace answered a discuss elbow with an overhead kick to get the ball of momentum rolling down hill for him for the first time in the match. Scott used his lightning quick reflexes and technical prowess to escape and the two engaged in a series of pin attempts. Soon after Valor found himself on top of the exchange and got the 3 count!

Winner: Jace Valor

This Revolution Rumble did a good job of shaping some of the newer Wildkat talents. I’m not sure of the numbers but I wouldn’t doubt that Edgrin Stone set the record for most eliminations in a single Rumble, and Johnny Flex’s bag of tricks gets more and more versatile with every show.

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