Monday, October 16, 2017


During an appearance to promote his new album today on the Howard Stern Show, Billy Corgan discussed his purchase of the National Wrestling Alliance. 

Stern asked Corgan if he was still involved in professional wrestling.  Corgan said he had purchased the NWA and now owned the oldest wrestlng brand in the world.  Stern noted that Corgan was involved in a different company, TNA.  Corgan said they fired him after three months because the "$1.8 million I invested wasn't enough."  Corgan said, "They tried to steal my money" but that they had come to a settlement, he had gotten his money back and now he's invested into the National Wrestling Alliance.

Corgan said he was starting the company.  He said like any entertainment brand that has fallen on hard times, he wants to build it back up and said it was a brand that people know.  Stern said that it must be expensive to run a wrestling league.  Corgan said its not an easy business and when you walk into a board room in Los Angeles trying to sell people on wrestling, "Good luck."  Corgan said he knows it sounds strange, but doing something outside of music allows him to have a better attitude about music, because when he's working on music, he gets to really enjoy it, because it's not everything, 24/7.

Stern asked Corgan who the greatest wrestler today was.  Corgan said AJ Styles, but then noted that to him, size is important, and said it's probably also Brock Lesnar.

Corgan said he was involved in storylines in TNA, but wants to be behind the scenes in the NWA.

He was asked who his wrestlers were.  Corgan said they would be running shows by the Spring and referred to the NWA as a "distressed brand" that they are starting over.

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