Monday, September 25, 2017

House Of Bricks Wrestling (From the state of Mass.)

While others are watching that WWE crapola. I'm going to catch up, and post the last three weeks of House of Bricks Wrestling.

HoB Turnbuckle TV
Season 2
Episode 25

On this week's episode of House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling #TurnbuckleTV #HouseOfBricks brings you more action from this past #Brickaversary as we open up this week with a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH between "The Avarice" Derrick Conway, Donald Rotten, and Jammin Jack Conner with the winner become the number one contender for the #HoB #SouthernNewEngland Championship. And speaking of the Southern New England Champion, the title is ON THE LINE in our main event this week as current champion, El Poncho Ayala with his manager, Kenny B Dunne, defends against Sully Banger. Two big matchups plus MUCH MORE on this week's episode of #TurnbuckleTV!

I remember Donald Rotten from a stint in the Eastern Wrestling Alliance.

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