Tuesday, August 27, 2024

WP&P Does Better Than PWInsider, Wrestling Observer And Wrestlinginc? Say It Ain't So (Oh, It's So)


By all means email Dave Scherer the owner of PWInsider (PWInsider@gmail.com) and Dave Meltzer (Dave@Wrestlingobserver.com) and let them see this. I bet they'll appreciate it (smiles). 

I saw this thing on Twitter/X where someone had tested a website, this is according to Google. The website it had tested was some auto hotrod site, but the idea came to mind to let's try this same test on the major wrestling news sites and see how they compare, with us here at Wrestling Past And Present.

WWEELLL? As you can see in the above screen shot, PWInsider ranks pretty fucking low. Which with all their pop up ads all over the place I can see why. But let's go thru the major sites like PWInsider, Meltzer's Wrestling Observer and Wrestlinginc, shall we?

First is PWInsider, owned exclusively by Dave Scherer (just ask him, he'll tell you that he and only he owns it), even though Mike Johnson does the majority of the work. When we put in the url for PWInsider, this is the results it came back with.

Not very impressive.. And even though Scherer once claimed something about being at the top of the "Alexa ratings" (which when he was called out to supply proof to that claim, we were called losers and he ran away, totally sidestepping it, proving, he was lying) this speaks volumes about how shitty their site really is.

Now onto Meltzer's site and look at what the results were for running the url to that site?

Yeah, pretty crappy here too. And Wrestlinginc's site? Here's how they ranked when we ran the url for their site.

These are three of the most 'well known wrestling news sites and this is how crappy their sites are performance wise.

Oh but wait, we're gonna run OUR url and bbooyy are some people gonna be pissed, LMAO!

BOOM! Would you look at that... THIS SITE, Wrestling Past And Present, surpasses the three most well known wrestling news sites. 

Now THAT, is some nice bragging rights if I do say so myself. (smiles)

If you think we somehow rigged this then by all means, run the tests yourself. When you see the same results we did, any arguments you think you might have? Will sink like the titanic. 

And for anyone who loves to claim that "nobody comes to this site"? Here, I'll take that argument away from you right now as well.

This I just took 90 seconds ago, this is viewership so far for today. As you'll see this site does, have some reach, contrary to what naysayers and haters love to claim but can't ever back up.

Proof is a mother fucker.. And we'll always be the mother fuckers who have the proof. That's just the way... The world is. (smiles)

So try and make fun of this site all you want, facts show we've been doing better than the major sites and we'll continue to do so.


James McCormick said...

LMAO wow, what a burn on the other sites. I'd keep this pinned in your most popular posts if I were you. That's an absolute bur n all around. Congrats.

I love your tag line "That's just the way the world is". So annoying I bet that irritates people. Heels should use that in their promos.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

That's just the way the world is? Has been a nice line I've used for years. This is a burn for Scherer, Meltzer, and whoever owns Wrestlinginc now. Truth hurts and even though Scherer has the guts to post stuff about his recent spat With Cornette and Brian Last. You know, he won't have the balls to tweet this story. It makes him look bad so of course he'll side step nd avoid tweeting this because it doesn't stroke his ego.

Steven Howard said...

PWInsider gives me headaches with all those popup ads, it actually froze my laptop up there's so many different ads. Dave Scherer claims on Twitter that he's a multimillionaire because of this site. A 'millionaire' who has one of the worst performing sites on the internet? I think Scherer's talking out his ass. His site sucks and I won't waste a dime on a membership knowing I'd have a membership to a shitty site.