Sunday, July 14, 2024

Nina Samuels vs Maya Matthews | NO DQ Match | SpinebusterTV (UK)


In one of the most heated rivalries ever seen on SpinebusterTV, it all comes to a head, as NINA SAMUELS takes on MAYA MATTHEWS in a No Disqualification match.

Nina has made it her mission to end careers before they even begin because she says SpinebusterTV #NeedsMoreNina not #NeedsMoreRookies!  NINA has taken out both AMARA JAYDE and KARAMA on her path of destruction.  MAYA MATTHEWS stood up and challenged NINA to a match, but before it could even begin was attacked on the stage with a chair!

After, NINA and MAYA brawled and had to be pulled apart by the crew - and that has led to this match being signed as a No Disqualification contest.  Who will walk out victorious?

This match was taken from Episode 10 of SpinebusterTV

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