Friday, May 31, 2024

Update - 6-6-04 10:00 am - When You Have ONE JOB (Get The Thumbnail Right) And You Can't Even Do That Correctly, LMAO!


Update 6-6-24 10:00 am
SIX DAYS, SIX DAYS after this story came out and they STILL, haven't even TRIED to correct this (shakes head). So much for wanting to be looked at as respectable and credible, LOL. Thank God you never see this kind of crap done here at WP&P. Obviously, we've shown who's more 'professional' here.

Yeah, just keep looking looking like dipshits, that's the ticket, double down on that and let me know how that works out for you.

You just can't make this kind of dumb shit up, you really really can't.

One job, they had just one job, and they STILL find a way to complete fuck it up and make themselves look like fucking amateur hour, hahahahahahahahaha.

Someone explain to me, how in the FUCK does Samoa Joe, in any way, shape or form look like Randy Savage? Who the hell thought this was correct and who the hell let this one slide without checking it?

WWEELL,  since Conrad Thompson is the host with Tony, we can probably look right at him. 

Top notch professional job here, yessirree (gives 'sarcastic thumbs up'), give yourselves five stars for fucking this up. 

The fact that someone actually got paid to make this mistake and not even TRY, and correct it? Says a whole lot, right there. 

BRAVO, BRAVO (sarcastically claps) great job, couldn't have fucked it up worse myself, ROFLMAO!


Greg Riley said...

I bet the Samoa Joe Video will have Randy Savage as the thumbnail.

Sonny Richardson said...

I should post a link to this on Samoa Joe's X channel. This is embarrassing.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Go ahead, post it wherever you want. I don't give a shit. :)

Jim Leeson said...

Did someone really get paid to make this obvious of a mistake? It must be nice to get paid and just keep making mistakes, can I have that job?