Thursday, April 11, 2024

WWA (Kentucky) - Hysteria 143 - Path to War


One of the biggest shows of the year is coming up: The War 2024. This show will feature Kentucky's Biggest Battle Royal for the WWA Championship. But before we get there, take a look at the road that got us here!

-Can the Sinner's Circle bring the Championship back to Jones?

-Who will enter the Battle Royal last?

-Why in the world did the Trendkillers assault the 3 Count Boyz at the end of the previous Hysteria?

-What is Clay Williams doing now as the Hardcore Champion?

-Can Vanderpool continue his WWA National Championship reign?

-Why is Devon Parker, the former Starkid, full of this new mindset?

Find out the answers to this and more on this episode of WWA Hysteria!

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