Sunday, April 7, 2024

Roman Reigns demands reporter leave the room: WrestleMania XL Saturday Press Conference


As Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman take part in the WrestleMania Press Conference, they intimidate the media, threatening to leave if they don't have better questions.


Jason McCormick said...

Paul Jordan at PWInsider stile this story from you. You had it first and he obviously came here, saw it and posted it on PWInsider. Can't he get his own stories or does he have to keep taking what you do first?

Scott Travis said...

It says more of what Paul's professional integrity really is if he has to steal from this site to use it on that other site. Paul does exactly what Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson always complain about, yet they look the other way when one of their own staff members does it.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

It's just the latest example of the continued irony that is PWInsider. They complain when others steal their stories but when one of their own steals a story, you hear nothing from Scherer and Johnson.

All it continues to show is why this site continues to get over, more and more. We don't have to reference PWInsider and other sites, we get our own stuff, and people from other news sites come here for material to use on their sites.

The more guys like Paul Jordan do this, the more it validates what this sites does.