Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Robert 'Ego' Anthony Declares: 'AAW Is Mine!' | Explosive Post-Legacy Interview | AAW Pro


After an electrifying Legacy: 20th Anniversary Event at the Berwyn Eagles Club, Robert "Ego" Anthony steps into the snowy Berwyn night, fired up and more determined than ever. In this candid post-event reflection, Anthony lays bare his frustrations and aspirations, declaring his dominance in AAW. With decades in the ring, he's done proving himself through words; his sights are set on reclaiming the AAW World Heavyweight Championship for the third time.

Hear his unfiltered message to his challengers, including Davey Vega and 'Beef,' where he asserts that no one but him deserves to be at the front of the line. Anthony credits his return for the sold-out shows and makes it clear: the championship is his to claim.


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