Sunday, April 28, 2024

AEW Owner Tony Khan "Sells" His Injury, By Dancing.


Tony Khan proves without a shadow of doubt that he has absolute NO CLUE how to 'sell' an injury. Dancing while wearing a neck brace (rolls eyes).

If he hasn't shown before why he shouldn't be in the pro wrestling business, he's sure shown it now. 'no selling' an injury like that just shows what an idiot you are, and now we know absolute for sure that he is indeed, an idiot.

Another great example of why he's a total embarrassment to the wrestling business.,

See the clip here.

Special thanks to Jessica Franklin for sending this to me.


Karen Shaw said...

Can Tony embarrass wrestling any more? You would think with the guys who have experience there someone would've told Tony to sell the injury. Dancing isn't selling and Tony continues to make a mockery out of wrestling. Herb Abrams wasn't this bad, and he, was bad.

Jason McCormick said...

Tony Khan is living proof that any moron can get into wrestling now. It never used to be this way but here we are thanks to Tony.

Frank Grossman said...

Since Dave Meltzer has an excuse for everything AEW, what's his excuse for this?