Sunday, March 17, 2024

Where Are The fans At? They Certainly Weren't At The AEW COLLISION March 16th Show


All the millions of dollars paid out for well known talent but THIS was the best AEW could get for Last Night's Collision show?


THIS is what "Edge" Adam Copeland, Christian Cage, etc etc have been reduced to. If their 'names' still meant something, OR, if Tony Khan had some ACTUAL booking experience beyond booking efed matches in his parent's basement, they might've been able to actually draw way more people than this.

But hey, this is Meltzer's 'booker of the year' at his finest. 

No amount of excuses will ever be able to cover up this embarrassment. 

Pretty pathetic and sad because they actually COULD do better on a regular basis. Problem is the billionaire money mark who as no real clue on how to book and write a wrestling show, thinks he knows it all.

This pic right here shows you, Tony Khan DOESN'T know it all.

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