Sunday, March 31, 2024

Here's Why Dave Meltzer Should REALLY Check The Stories He Posts On His Website


Poor Meltzer, he just can't catch a break. He gets called out by Jack Perry over a fake story he reported, then he's called out by The Rock no less, for the very same thing (fake story). And NOW, we have this, Dave Meltzer obviously not checking the link he posted on his "Daily Update" today. 

The above screen shot is the result of me, and four others clicking a link HE posted on his website today. Obviously taking 90 seconds to actually look at the link was too much to ask of him. 

But here's what happens when you check this link, I'll personally show you so that way you won't have to go thru the same thing I now others are going thru thanks to Meltzer's laziness.

Here's a screen shot of the link in question.

There it is, Meltzer's name all attached to it so you know tat he posted it.

Now click the link and what do you get? You first, get this.

Looks good, right? Looks fine, nothing wrong with it... But then, you scroll a little bit as you start to read the story, and what happens? THIS.

Yeah, if Meltzer would've taken the time to actually CLICK the link, to actually see if it was any problems, but God Forbid Mr. "top notch journalist" would want to actually do what real journalists actually do. Doing things like that has apparently been something that's 'beneath him".

I've never read a thing from the Philadelphia Inquirer, so how is it that I hit my "free article limit"? How is it that four other people who've never this newspaper got the same result as I did? Why should I pay a dollar for a six month subscription to a newspaper I've never read, and if I had read this article, would probably never read anything from this newspaper again? I don't live in Philly nor do I even live on the East Coast anymore, so only a dipshit would do that.

Of course we know who the dipshit is here, it's the dipshit that posted the link on his newsite without feeling bothered enough to check it. And that dipshit, is named Dave Meltzer. 

Top notch job Dave, give yourself five stars for failure here. "true journalistic professionalism here"

(gives sarcastic "thumbs up")

I guess it takes some real talent to make yourself look like a dipshit Dave, glad you have that talent down pat. 


James Baker said...

Man I love when you do this stuff. Bust a guy right out and have no qualms about doing it. Meltzer's been owned and this is what he gets for being such a lazy ass. Keep this up, I love it when you do these kind of articles.

Rachel Fleming said...

Somebody's finally found their niche'. Between you taking on PWInsider, Dutch mantel and back on Meltzer I think you may have something besides the obscure wrestling that'll bring people to this site. You have a nice talent for calling things out.

Keep doing it, you've been on a roll lately.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Dave Meltzer getting burned, roasted and toasted to a crisp. Nice job LMAO!