Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Latest Promotion To Be Named As An NWA Territory IS? (Updated 12-4-23 9:00 pm)


Update 12-4-23 9:00 pm

WP&P is going to proudly take a "victory lap" for seeing how that it took PWInsider's Mike Johnson and, Dave Meltzer, over TWENTY FOUR HOURS (in Meltzer's case, even longer) to catch up to this story that we reported before ANYONE ELSE.

Here's the proof, look at the time stamp of when tis story was posted here, then look at the screen grabs below.

Over THIRTY SIX HOURS for Johnson to wake up out of his slumber to cover this (shakes head).

And here's one from Meltzer's Daily Update he posted, today.

It took Meltzer over a DAY AND A HALF to finally decide this story that we had first was 'fiver star' level for him to cover.

And oh yes, let's not forget Wade Keller at The Torch, since he's late to the dance as well.

I'm pretty sure someone who comes to this site sent a link to both Meltzer and PWInsider and The Torch (Wrestlinginc decided this wasn't worth covering, according to them) so why did it take so long for them to catch up to what we did first, even though as you can see, Joe Cazana himself made the announcement so all the confirmation you'd ever need is right there?

(shrugs) who knows but this story is currently the number one most popular story on this site, and it's been that way almost since we first posted it. The comments left by people making fun of the fact 'the other guys' didn't cover it is amusing. I can't defend the other sites because there's simply, no defense for them. 

So we'll gladly take yet another victory lap, knowing the others again have to play catch up to this little ol site that guys like Meltzer and PWInsider hate (even though staff members from those sites regularly swipe our stories to use on those site (smiles). 


Richard Hayes said...

How did you get this before PWInsider and all the others? Nice coup on your behalf.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I watch their shows on YouTube so I kept track of what they're doing.

Jake Richardson said...

And guess what, the PWInsiders of the world and their wannabes didn't even bother to cover this. So another example of why this site stands out away from the rest. You broke this before they did and now they won't even report it because you got it first.

They don't want to admit they were scooped but they're not reporting it means, they know they got scooped. They can't claim they haven't 'independently confirmed it' because you got it straight from the source, it's already confirmed which is why you ran with it. Keep up the great work, I love this site with it's old and new you post here.

Sandra Oakley said...

And Meltzer didn't cover it either in update today. So score another scoop for WP&P. That's two in a row that the 'major' journalists decided to blow off. The first one was when Buff Bagwell explained how these journalists got his arrest wrong, and now this. If a site like this can scare off the bigger news sites then that says plenty for how this site has come up when it comes to levels of true and honest telling of wrestling news.

James Dawson said...

This site may not be the fanciest but they're not biased one way or the other when it comes to AEW and WWE. I enjoy the many different independent companies they post here. I've been able to get into other federations away from AEW, Impact and WWE thanks to this site.

Jake Richardson said...

Mike Johnson and Dave Meltzer finally got around to covering this, even though you've had it up over thirty hours ago. You always said the more known sites will play the catch up game and it took them this long, to catch up to what you already reported. Of course you know they never credited you with reporting it first, but all the evidence shows that you indeed, had it first. Take a victory lap.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

As you can see, we've taken one (smiles). Thanks to you guys (you know who you are) for sending me those screen grabs.