Saturday, December 2, 2023

(Updated 12-3-12 12:30 am) Jim Cornette Reviews Dave Meltzer & Bryan Alvarez Arguing Over AEW Dynamite's Overrun


Meltzer on this really does sound like a moron.

Update 12-3-23 12:30 am

Apparently Dave Meltzer doesn't like the fact his little hissy fit with Bryan Alvarez has been made public. Stephen Rizzo sent me this about five minutes ago. he left a link to this story/post on Meltzer's Twitter/X account and lookie at how sensitive ol Meltzer got over it.

I guess Meltzer can't take the heat or doesn't have the balls to explain why he sounded like a complete dumb ass, so he did what most people do when they know they've been 'checked', they run and hide behind a block like a bitch (smiles).

Typical of Meltzer (and many others), can dish it out but toop much of a pansie to take it, LOL. 


Richard Hayes said...

Your post about this made Uncle Dave run, I love it! He tries to be tough guy on Twitter but post a link to your site and he runs. He got owned by Cornette and Last, and because you posted about it, you owned Meltzer.

Stephen Rizzo said...

Yep I sure did send it to you, and you did what I hoped you'd do with it. Show that Meltzer is a pussy.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dave Meltzer blocks somebody because he saw a link to a story where he sounds like a buffoon? Who'd a thought it.