Monday, December 11, 2023

CM Punk Chooses His Brand; Confronts Seth Rollins | WWE Raw 12/11/23


Stephen Rizzo said...

It's funny how you had this up for like an hour, then added the full segment in but still kept the same time stamp, because Mike Johnson over at PWInsider almost an hour after you posted highlights first? Has to play catch up with this same segment, only because you, posted it before his boy Paul Jordan Jr. could do it in the morning.

It's funny how marks say nobody sees this site but it's evident with Joseph Currier of F4W/WON lifted his story on Ace Steel being interviewed by Rip Rogers from THIS site, no other site but yours posted that story so Joseph came here and go his idea for that story from here, and now PWInsider is trying to play keep up with the Jones with you. For sites whose staff say they hate this site they evidently are sure spending a lot of time here.

Jack Reynolds said...

It's not the first time staff from those other sites stole ideas from here. This site used to call them out publicly every time they did it, and show examples of how they blatantly stole stuff from here. SAs it's been said, the same [people who complain when others take THEIR stories (Meltzer, Johnson, Scherer) and not give the proper credit or reference, are the very same people (Johnson, Scherer, Meltzer) that have staff doing the very same thing they bitch about, but when their staff does it, it's okay. This site has pointed out that fact over and over and when Meltzer and Scherer get called out to comment, they run away start blocking people, knowing their hypocritic logic has come to light again. As the people who run this site always said, if they have to come HERE, to get ideas to use OVER THERE, then that shows they can't get any of their own stories and have to come here to steal some.

Ralph Becker said...

It's not what they say it's what they do. if they keep coming here then all it does is give WP&P more credibility as a go-to site because they're coming here as well. then Renner and Ian Carey of WON/F4W have taken things from here too. So if so many from so many other sites take things from this site? It just legitimizes this site, so WP&P should thank those who steal from their site. If they have to keep coming here, then that means they don't have anything or can't come up with anything to use over there. The fact this site doesn't even reference Meltzer or Johnson in their stories (unless it's Mike scamming and he gets caught), so that to me makes them a step above the rest, IMO.