Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Interesting Story Concerning American Xcellence Wrestling


Apparently there was somebody trying to pawn off merchandise and attempting to use the Hamburg Field House without permission, as well as trying to ride on the coattails of AXW's next event in the process (also with out AXW's permission. 

Apparently whoever the ass clown is that was doing that must've realized they got caught because if you click on the link of "Farwell To The Fieldhouse", this is what you get.

Nice try dumb ass. Busted, and disgusted. What, they didn't think anyone would catch on? I've always said there's some real dumb, mother fuckers out there. 

There is, your latest example of that.

Special credit goes to the "From The Left Side" FB group as they were the ones who posted the post by AXW.


Jack Reynolds said...

I see PWInsider, Meltzer and Wrestlinginc skipped over this story. I wonder why they're afraid to tackle stories like this.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Doesn't surprise me at all. It's all because this site is the one that either gets these kinds of stories first, or expands on it by posting it here and more people wind up seeing it that has them avoid it. For Meltzer stories like this aren't 'five stars' so he won't touch it, and his other staff members only posts what Meltzer allows them to post.