Monday, November 27, 2023

How Did We Get Here??? Episode 1 "Did He just Do that?" coming soon (BriiCombination Wrestling)


We take a deeper look into what sparked the feud between Anthony Gangone, Prime Nana, Jboujii and Face. 

This has been a long standing feud, but what started it? Why are these guys going at it? Now they have dragged The BCW World Heavyweight Champion Darius Carter  into this situation as well. 

We are going to explore what happened and where this feud is going. 

Jboujii and Face have been determined to make a name for themselves since their debut at BCW. 

Do these two young lions have what it takes to topple the current Kings of the Jungle? 

Before we get there we have to see.... HOW DID WE GET HERE???

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