Thursday, November 30, 2023

CM Punk vs. Jay Lethal - Jersey Championship Wrestling, August 28, 2004


The Jersey J-Cup was one of the most prestigious tournaments in wrestling, being held from 2000 to 2004. The talent that came through to wrestle in the tournament in 4 short years is unparalleled.

In this second round tournament match, the newly signed WWE Superstar, CM Punk takes on current AEW star, Jay Lethal. Both wrestlers were working their way up through the ranks on the indy scene at this point. For most of 2003, CM Punk was in a vicious and violent feud with Raven in ROH, TNA, and MLW! Jay Lethal was working for his home promotion of JAPW and ROH as Hydro, part of the Special K stable! This would be their first singles match against one another.

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