Wednesday, October 25, 2023

NWA Powerrr | Ep 131 | See You In Hell!


Your NWA World Tag Team Champions Blunt Force Trauma will test their skills in a two-on-three handicap match in our main event!

The NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion EC3 teams up with protege "The Golden Boy" Jordan Clearwater in tag team action!

NWA behemoths collide as Knox & Murdoch take on The Fixers!

#1 contender Ruthie Jay, Samantha Starr, and The Weapon of Asymmetrical Destruction WOAD join forces to face the NWA’s championship trio of Pretty: Pretty Empowered!

The ephemeral team of Magic, Inc. face off against the US-Polish connection of Jeremiah Plunkett & Mario Pardua!

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