Tuesday, October 31, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling Thinks They Can Dictate To Fans (Good Luck With That, LOL)


This cracks me up because fans all over the world have approached wrestlers and requesting photographs and autographs 'outside designated meet and greet events' for decades, does NJPW really think they can put a stop to it NOW? Yeah okay, how you gonna enforce that? THAT is something I'd like to see.

And fans gathering in large numbers around venues for wrestlers? Um dipshits again, it's been happening for years and there's nothing YOU are going to be able to do about it. From the smallest indie group to the largest wrestling organization (WWE) it's been happening and will continue to happen.

So maybe 'on principle', New Japan Pro Wrestling should just forget about this because there's no way they'll be able to enforce it, on shows in Japan or here in the States. And, there's really nothing they can do about it if the fans say "fuck you" and keep doing it anyway. 

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