Sunday, October 8, 2023

Google's Weekly Fuck Ups (Updated 10-9-10:00 am)


Update 10-9-23 10:00 am

The red screens have been removed after I sent a very impolite message to Google. 

There it is, that ever so familiar red screen we're starting to see on a weekly basis, because Google can't fix their problem when it comes to incorrectly red flagging this site. 

You would think by now after me educating them on how wrong they are every week for several weeks now,  that Google would actually fix this weekly glitch Either the powers that be at Google, don't want to, or don't know how to. 

So, every week when they fucking up, I'll leave a post like this telling you they're fucking up. Sooner or later they're gonna wanna stop looking stupid and fix the problem . Until then here's the latest post on how they're looking stupid, again, for claiming 'social engineering and false 'security issues'. 

So here's the stories that Google has again, incorrectly put that red screen on. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Google should just Blogger to someone who can better manage it. It seems obvious that Google has no idea how to correct this problem, so they should give it to MSN or Yahoo so that way it can be better managed. Google evidently isn't capable of managing your site properly.