Sunday, October 29, 2023

(Updated 10-29-23 4:00 pm) Alex Hammerstone Requests Release From MLW (And Apparently Is Being Denied)


Update 10-29-23 4:00 PM
For all the 'marks' who messaged me claiming I was full of shit with this story, I guess the above screen grab shows that all of YOU, are the ones full of shit. Especially when I had this story going before, PWInsider and WrestlingInc and most of the other sites caught up. So now that you see I was right, all of you 'marks' that messaged me claiming I was full of crap? Can now message me with your apologies and admit I was right. Only factual things are posted here at WP&P, not guessing or 'hoping' my narrative is correct. Just truth and facts, period. 

Must be nice when you ask to be let go from a job and the management at the job refuses to let you go. Some real fucking stupidity there.

A former MLW World Heavyweight Champion has requested to be released from the promotion.

Several reports state that Alex Hammerstone has asked to be released from his MLW contract. Though Hammerstone hasn't been informed of MLW's decision, but as of now MLW does not intend to grant Hammerstone's request.

Hammerstone held the MLW World Heavyweight Championship from October 2021 to July 2023. He won the title from Jacob Fatu and lost it to Alex Kane. In December 2021, Hammerstone signed a new multi-year MLW contract. Hammerstone's contract reportedly runs until the end of 2025.

It's been noted that, from MLW's perspective, Hammerstone's "motivation decreased when he was booked to lose the world title to Alex Kane earlier this year." Hammerstone's most recent MLW match was when he dropped the title to Kane.

Hammerstone is also a one-time MLW National Openweight Champion.

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