Wednesday, September 6, 2023

(Updated 9-6-23 8:30 pm)Yes, I'm VERY AWARE Of This Stupid Red Screen That's on Some Of The Stories here.


Update 9-6-23 8:30)  The red screens have been removed by Google.

Yes I'm well aware of THIS fucking red screen that's been placed on some of the stories on this site. Since this site is powered by Google, and it's been an ongoing issue, when I sent in the report that they fucked up (yet again), I told them I'm going to make this post to explain it to whoever comes and visits this site.

Every week Google falsely and incorrectly red flags things here claiming "Social Engineering", and when I see it I have to go into the Google search console and explain to them that there's NO ISSUES with what they falsely red flagged. I simply imbed the video, post the link to where it's located on YouTube, and then add whatever description is on tat said video, that's it. Then several hours later, someone at Google sees they fucked up and lifts that red screen seeing they fucked up.

Every time Google screws up by doing this I know it's costing me viewers here, so for now on, EVERY TIME Google fucks up and does this, I'm going to make a post like this because these red screens are coming thru no fault of mine, it's all on Google and they know it because of how many times they have to correct these fuck ups.

If they have the technology to red flag this site, why don't they have the technology to correct these constant fuck ups?

Funny how I can't get an answer to that question.

So for now on? EVERY TIME Google's system falsely red flags something on this site, I'm going to make a post like this. Maybe then, they'll realize they're the ones that keep screwing up and might actually do something, to correct it.

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