Monday, June 19, 2023

Independent Wrestler Excuse Translation Guide


Take notes.


Anonymous said...

Old man yells at clouds.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

WP&P said.

Dumb "Mark" makes stupid reply.

Anonymous said...

Dumb mark says read a book. Grow your lexicon. Then maybe just maybe you'd be able actually write instead of reposting other people's work and screenshots. Dumb mark also encourages you to seek help to resolve your drinking problem and substance abuse.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Dumb mark still lives in the past, dumb mark too lazy to do research about the present, dumb mark shows his ignorance to that isn't smart enough to realize he's just gone from "dumb mark", to dumb ass. "OOOOO" checked again. Someday dumb marks will stop making this so easy for me.