Monday, February 13, 2023

For Whatever This Is Worth, At Least It's Been Acknowledged


Bill Walkowitz

This came in about an hour ago, so I'll acknowledge it for whatever it's worth.

They Future Endeavored themselves when they both made posts that had links that got red flagged by Google for "Social Engineering" content. there was a huge 'red warning' on our site that many people who visited the site encountered because of those posts. 

I literally worked on and off for over 48 hours to unravel all the damage they did making them posts. I'm the one who created the site and when they went to try and fix their posts, it actually made things worse, and harder for me to fix. I also had to file reports with Google to inform them that the issues were corrected, that most of the posts I make have information plugging upcoming shows that independent wrestling companies regularly post, and not every post falls under the red flag they issued.

Because of that we lost a lot of regular viewers and, I lost good connections I had made and was maintaining with some very well known indy companies. 

I offered to let them have this site and I'd go create another one on my own, but they decided to go venture off to do, whatever it is, they're going to do. 

A lot of the damage they caused with people I know is irreparable so something had to give. I won't delete the past posts they made they made here. They contributed a lot to this so I'm going to leave the posts they've made here. 

I'm going to run this site and changes have been made to it and it'll be me, myself and I running WP&P from this day forward.  

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