Monday, February 6, 2023

BCW Curtain Call Season 2 E1: " Welcome Back"!


Bill Walkowitz

BCW Faithful, WELCOME BACK the Curtain Call with your host, "The Mouthpiece of the Northeast" Jimmy J! It's been over 2 and a half years and we felt it's time to bring back the curtain call to keep everyone up to speed on what's going on in the world of Brii Combination Wrestling weekly.

On the return episode, Jimmy talks with BCW Owner, the best dressed promoter Anthony Cole and Governor AJ pan about the last event Queen of the North 4 including a vicious Vicki injury update. In addition, Mr Cole delivers a MAJOR announcement! 


-We revisit the Marina Shafir/ Darius Carter Championship match, hear from Darius Carter himself, and more!

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