Thursday, January 26, 2023

Upcoming PROGRESS Wrestling Shows


Bill Walkowitz

At #Chapter148 , Tom Dawkins made his return to challenge Spike for what could be his last match at PROGRESS...

Spike Trivet Vs Tom Dawkins

If Tom wins, Cara Noir is back!

If Spike wins, Tom leaves PROGRESS for GOOD


We are  partneredup with @WrestleTours

 and @ThisIs_Progress

 for something dope!

An amazing WrestleMania 39 experience is available! Reach out to these good people and they will get you right for Mania!

Warren Banks is a Daft Lad!

Warren Banks has accepted his invitation to Gene Munny's Daft Lad Emporium & will be in action on March 7th

Get your tickets here:

Let's get this settled!

Nina Samuels & Lizzy Evo Vs Alexxis Falcon & Millie McKenzie


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