Saturday, January 21, 2023

Time For Another Edition of "A 'Mark' Gets 'Checked' "


Bill Walkowitz

They still react the same way, LOL. No matter how times I've had to 'check' a 'mark' they always, always, react the same way. The names change but the reactions always stay the same.

This one came from YouTube, where most people know I go under the "WP&P" name, I said one thing, one very truthful thing about Wild Bill Irwin and his appearance on "Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw" and wouldn't you know, some 'mark' who doesn't know any better or has a credible argument tries and brace me on what I said. 

As you'll see I called him out on something and, like always when I call a 'mark' out, he quickly scraped up a copout to hide behind like all 'marks' do when I call em out. If you 'marks' wanna try and brace me, have something credible, or at least, don't scrape up lame, weak copouts to hide behind when you know you can't produce something to help hold up your end. 

Some day the 'marks' will bring a challenge, someday as usual, wasn't today (smiles).

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