Sunday, January 15, 2023

Jim Cornette on Dave Meltzer Being Accused Of Reporting Misinformation (Like That's a HUGE Surprise)

Bill Walkowitz 

It's no surprise Meltzer is again accused of this, he's gotten a lot of things wrong and rarely if ever admits to it (because to him, admitting he was wrong is "beneath him"). Here's a few examples of this that we here at WP&P have personally documented. 

Here's when Melzers 'report' on William Regal's health was bullshit.

Then there was when Meltzer screwed up on Asuka being medically cleared to return to the ring (SHE 'checked' Meltzer on that herself)

Oh yes, then there's the one where Meltzer got 'checked' by Alexa Bliss, do you see a pattern here? Even a blind man can see it.

And here's one of the many MANY times Eric Bischoff has had to correct and put Meltzer in his place for reporting misinformation ort just being outright wrong but still insisted on presenting it as fact.

Acouple years ago Meltzer and I went round and round on a story he wrote on Konnan that he wrong on, and this is how that exchange ended, me putting Meltzer in 'check' and his response to it.

Meltzer ran and hid behind a block because he knew he got 'checked', and I took any further argument he may have thought he had, away from him.

So it comes as no surprise that he's once again accused of this. As you have seen here, he has a long habit of it, and from the looks of it, that habit is just going to continue.

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