Friday, January 20, 2023

George Cannon Superstars of Wrestling (March 5th 1983)


Bill Walkowitz

The Lord Alfred Hayes w/ Billy Robinson promo at the end of this is awesome. Hayes was always so under rated when it came to promos.

George Cannon explains the stipulations of upcoming Dino Bravo vs Billy Robinson title match while their contract signing takes place

Edouard Carpentier interview

Dino Bravo vs Bob Armstrong (not the one from Marietta, Georgia)

Jos LeDuc interview

Mr Ito vs Big Mac

Eddie Creachman with Moondog (Sailor White) interview

The Wolfman vs The Destroyer (Dick Beyer)

Dino Bravo interview

Neil Guay & Tony Russo vs Alec Gerard & Louis Laurence

Lord Alfred Hayes & Billy Robinson interview

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