Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Coastal Championship Wrestling's "Ozzy Kilmeister" Gets 'Checked'


Bill Walkowitz

It's always so fucking amusing at how easy one simple little statement can get this generation's 'wrestlers' and 'marks' in an uproar. It's even more amusing when they try and fire back but have no argument to bring with them. This is the latest example of this proven pattern. 

As most know I use the tag "WP&P" on YouTube and I basically said what I felt, and what most people I know who showed this to felt as well. "Ozzy Kilmeister" has got to be one of the most DUMBEST names I've ever seen a guy name himself. Nothing worse than blatantly ripping off the names of two guys in Music to give yourself in Wrestling. Take the name of the original singer of Black Sabbath (Ozzy Osbourne) and the name of the founding member of Motorhead (Lemmy Kilmeister) and think THAT'S a 'cool name"? (rolls eyes)

Needless to say it's one of the most blatant rip-offs I've ever seen. It just shows you that today's generation of, ahem 'wrestlers' lack a lot of originality if that was the best this guy could come up with. So I knew once I said something, SOMEBODY was gonna pipe up about it. And who did, no less than the very guy who thought it was a 'brilliant' idea to create this name. 

As you're going to see, it was just way too easy to shut him down. Which isn't anything new because most know engaging with me or trying to try me just gets you 'checked' in the end, that's just the way the world is. Just another example in a very long list of examples of how today's generation of 'marks' and 'workers' never have anything credible when it comes to an argument with me.

And THAT... Is how you checkmate a mother fucker. 

Some day one of these 'marks' or 'workers' will bring some sort of legitimate argument when they come and try bracing me.

Some day, someday, won't be today.

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