Thursday, January 19, 2023

Catalyst Wrestling Ep. 302| Darius Carter vs. Alex Shelley - CATALYST TITLE MATCH


Bill Walkowitz

When the major federations in this country fail because they essentially don't book for a fan like myself, or the shows have no logic or most wrestlers today have a problem with 'selling" (they either don't know how to do it, or just are too lazy to want, to do it), guys like Darius Carter remind me why I still am a wrestling fan. Be it here in Catalyst Wrestling, Warriors Of Wrestling or wherever I get to see matches of his on YouTube, it's always a pleasure to watch this guy work. Matches, promos, etc. he's in my current top five I'll go out of my way to watch,. Thank you Darius for being one of the few guys who consistently shows me why I'm still a wrestling fan after all these years.

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