Saturday, December 31, 2022

PWInsider Staff Writer Caught Stealing Stories From This Site


By Donnie Henderson

Paul Jordan who's a staff writer at PWInsider has openly and blatantly come here to WP&P and stolen things we posted here, and posted them as his own over at PWInsider.This is same PWInsider that was recently reported to the Better Business Bureau for scamming paid Subscribers Had it been stories or videos that other news sites posted it'd be one thing, but the one thing we here at WP&P have become known for is posting things no other wrestling news site has used. It's been evident he's been doing this for quite some time and the fact he has to come here, to our site and take things? Means he can't come up with his stuff on his own like we do.

It's not the first time we've been made aware of it, There's been several people (Jack Reynolds, James Rizzo, Gail Hernandez, and someone who's part of another well known wrestling news place whose name was asked not to be used, who've pointed this out. But one person, Matthew Maurer went ahead and called Paul Jordan (and in essence PWInsider) out on it, which is the screen grab above. Mike Johnson of PWInsider saw this email in the screen grab you'll see below.

Now I could go ahead and make almost thirty different screen grabs of examples of how we posted something that no other wrestling news place (WON/F4W, WrestlingInc, B/R Wrestling, No DQ, Wrestling Rumors, Sportskeeda, etc) posted, then show you how Paul a couple hours later posted the very same thing that only we had, on PWInsiderer. He made it very obvious because as Matt Maurer pointed out, Paul never ever posted anything about NJPW beforehand and when he did this past week? What was the one thing he posted? The very same NJPW Free For All match that WE here at WP&P posted. 

You think it was just a coincidence? It wasn't a week before that he did the very same thing with another NJPW video that only WE and no other wrestling news source used. Time stamps say wonders and every time Paul stole something from us, the time stamp of when we did it, and he did it make it more than obvious. He always stole something that was unique and no other site but us had, which shows you he's lie America's dumbest criminal when it comes to dirt sheet writers.

When Scherer and Johnson were on Eric Bischoff's podcast a week ago you could hear Scherer whine several times about people 'stealing' from their site. Bit what happens when it's one of his own staff stealing from other sites like this one? This is how Scherer who claims he runs PWInsider like a business, reacts and handles the situation. 

He has Paul send it to him so that way he, can post it. If that isn't the most childish reaction, but there's a bigger message he's sending with that childish reaction. The mentality of Dave Scherer seems to be that it's not okay for people to steal from his site, but it's okay for his staff to steal from other sites. That's really the logic of a jack ass in every way you can think of. I asked our head writer Bill Walkowitz about this and he said to go ahead use his response for this story.

Scherer did say PWInsider to him is a business, he said it to me personally.

He also said that WP&P to him is a 'bottom feeder' site, if we're so bottom feeder then why is one of your staff writers coming to the 'bottom feeder' site for story ideas? 

I know Scherer nor Johnson will answer that and if anything when Scherer finds out about this story, he'll just go on another snitching spree because that's all he does when he's checked. he snitches on the people he gets checked by. He's done it more than once and it's been documented here with proof.

For now on when Paul Jordan, or anyone else comes to the 'bottom feeder' site to get ours stories we'll laugh at the the fact this bottom feeder site has become so successful that the well known sites have to come here to get stuff to use over there. We obviously can't be that 'bottom feeder' if someone from PWInsider routinely has to come here. And the way Scherer has handled this is indeed the way a moron would handle it, which isn't any surprise since Dave Scherer himself said this.

He truly is living by that, isn't he.

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