Sunday, December 25, 2022

Nothing Like Someone At Championship Wrestling Being Lazy About Something And Actually Admitting It Like They're Proud Of It


Bill Walkowitz

 I love it how some people can so absolutely stupid, that they'll go out of their way, more than once to admit they're lazy, and seem to act like it's something to be proud of.

If you're an employee or in some way representing Championship Wrestling (owned by David Marquez), or any other wrestling company, would you really want to go out and publicly admit, you're lazy? WELL? As you can see by the screen shot above? Someone representing Championship Wrestling in some form or fashion did indeed, do just that.

I post links to several different indie groups every week here and it's pretty sad that smaller, lesser known indie companies actually put the time and energy into posting a line up for their shows. 

The last thing if I was representing any wrestling company would be to go out and publicly admit, you're lazy. What does that say about YOU, as a 'face' and represenitive of the company? To go out and publicly admit you're lazy, and then act like you're proud of it? What company, pro wrestling or otherwise would want to see something that being said for everyone to see? Name one company who'd want to see that, I'll wait.

I'll be waiting a VERY LONG time because no company wants an employee to publicly admit he's lazy, no company.

This didn't just stop here with the above screen shot, look at this convo from less than an hour ago, from the very same David Marquez owned Championship Wrestling. 

It makes you wonder what Owner David Marquez would think about seeing proclamations from one of his employees about being lazy, HE'S the one paying that dipshit and pretty much that dipshit got paid to admit he's lazy. 

Maybe we're 'just', gonna have to find that out, won't we (smiles).

I know there's some real dumb asses within pro wrestling, the guy admitting he's lazy, is just another 'fine' example of that. I bet it makes Mr. Marquez 'real proud' to know he has such a moron on his payroll.

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