Friday, December 9, 2022

Booker T SHOOTS on Wrestling Inc. Story Regarding Him and Conrad Thompson (WrestlingInc's Nick Hausman Gets "Checked")


Bill Walkowitz

I guess we can get the "you fucked up, you fucked up, you fucked up" chant going for Nick Hausman.

What's just as humorous about all this, other than the fact WrestlingInc has been 'checked' for making shit up, is if you go TO, the Wrestlinginc site, there's THIS story, where a third staff member tries to 'clean up' the mess Nick Hausman and Sean Neumann started. 

What's the matter, Hausmann and Neumann didn't have the balls to correct themselves after Booker T corrected them for them? So someone else has to come and clean up two other staff member's fake, made up shit, (LMAO)

One nice thing to know, is that stuff like THIS, will never happen here at WP&P. Our success rate is 100% and not once have we've been called out for getting something wrong.

Too bad and isn't it sad that the so called "more well known" wrestling news sites can't and will never be able to make that claim like we can (smiles).

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