Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Impact Wrestling "Finally" Decides To Grant Lady Frosts' Release


By Donnie Henderson

Lady Frost has reportedly been granted her release from Impact Wrestling. 

The 37-year-old announced in June that she requested to be released from the company. It was then revealed in August that Impact had not granted the request.

Frost was officially released from the company last month. There were people within the company pushing for it as it didn't seem productive to keep her under contract.

Frost was under a pay-per-appearance deal and had not performed for the promotion since Multiverse of Matches on April 1. Since then, she has wrestled for various independent promotions as well as on five CMLL shows at the end of last month. 

Frost is said to have been frustrated with not having her travel and accommodation paid for Multiverse of Matches over WrestleMania week. She later needed minor surgery and says Impact kept in the dark regarding her status after. 

Frost is said to have had two years left on her deal.  

 Impact hadn't been expected to let Frost go, even though she hadn't wrestled for the company since April, Impact's shift likely was caused by two situations, including one brought forth by Frost herself. She had gone as far as approaching Leonard Asper, the President and CEO of Anthem — Impact's parent company — to request her release, following up with him regularly on the matter. In addition, it would appear that several in Impact had pushed to just let her walk, feeling it wasn't productive to keep hold of her at this point.

"If you were in a relationship where someone didn’t care about your physical or mental well-being, and didn’t adequately provide for you financially, would you fight to be free from it?" She wrote on Twitter in August, later adding, "This is certainly not about my husband."

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