Saturday, October 1, 2022

Memphis Wrestling - Episode #84 | Teddy Long AFTERMATH


Welcome to another exciting edition of Memphis Wrestling! This week, it's the AFTERMATH from Teddy Long's laying down the law! What will Jimmy Blaylock have in store for his Hollywood Clique... and Ray Ray Sanders?

Here's the card for today's program... SINGLES MATCH | GIO SAVAGE vs CAMERON COLE As a part of Teddy Long's new talent initiative, he's given Cam Cole an opportunity here on Memphis Wrestling! Let's see if he can capitalize! GOLDEN ERA BEGINS | We'll hear from the new Memphis Wrestling Women's Champion Cassandra Golden! WOMEN'S DIVISION ACTION | SHALONCE ROYAL vs NYXX These 2 have history. Don't think Nyxx forgot what Shalonce' did at GUANTLET for GOLD 2. Now, it's 1 on 1! TAG TEAM MATCH | THE SKIMAHORNS vs DYSFUNCTION Not only will we get an update on the Skimahorns, but they're back in action today in the form of Uncle Mikey and Brad! FATJITSU EXHIBITION | K TOOMER Who is big and bad enough to step up to THE BIG MAN K TOOMER? We'll find out. MAIN EVENT | BULLROPE GRUDGE MATCH TH BEST OF THE BEST AUSTIN LANE vs MATT WILLIAMS It's come down to this. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. These 2 former best friends will collide... while strapped together with a BULLROPE! WHAT WILL JIMMY BLAYLOCK DO? | That's the big question. Jimmy is HIGHLY upset at what happened last week with Ray Ray Sanders counting Van Viciouss' shoulders to the mat. What will he do about it? What does Jimmy Blaylock have in store for his Hollywood Clique... and Ray Ray Sanders?

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