Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Independence Pro Wrestling: IPW Pink Out '22 (October 9, 2022)


By Bill Walkowitz

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, IPW hosts the second annual PINK OUT!

Chad Alpha currently holds a record for the most consecutive losses in IPW history. At Homecoming, The Forgotten offered Alpha a spot in their ranks, which Alpha declined. The IPW fans immediately embraced Alpha and he was able to fight off an attack from KC Tempest. Will Alpha's change of attitude be exactly what he needs to snap his embarrassing losing streak?

Jimmy Shalwin has become the unofficial mentor for young up and comer Mondo Real. Shalwin has scheduled time to speak and we wonder if he may be looking to finally make it official, or to close the book on the potential partnership between the two.

Derek Wolfe betrayed LaDon Sanders at Homecoming. To add insult to injury, Wolfe tricked LaDon into signing the rights to his business away to Wolfe Industries. A match was made between Sanders and Wolfe, Wolfe however refused to sign the contract, stating that he had nothing to gain with a win over Sanders. Wolfe's lawyers were able to get him out of the match, but Sanders will still compete against an IPW newcomer. Will LaDon ever get a chance at revenge?

Also on the card: Bendrick Bison, LaDon Sanders, Schwartzy, Randi West, and more!

This is PINK OUT!


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