Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Major Wrestling News Sites Got it Wrong As.. Bobby Fish Kills The Rumor/Story Circulating About Him


Well there's two "well known" Wrestling News Sites (the second one referencing The Wrestling Observer so that makes THREE, major well known wrestling news sites) who jumped the gun, didn't bother to do any research to see if the story was true, only to find out? The story was wrong, LMAO!

And here's the man himself, Bobby Fish, putting these ahem, "great wrestling experts" in their place.

At the start of Bobby Fish’s Undisputed Podcast (, he addressed a rumor that circulated on social media that he asked Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly to join him in exiting AEW to return to WWE.

Fish said what was most troublesome and amusing to him was how much it spread. He described the situation as “absurd”.

"After over 25 years or something like that in the wrestling business, I don’t know how contracts work myself. I guess what was most troublesome and amusing at the same time to me was how many outlets picked up on what was — because if there’s anybody who knows that it’s totally fabricated information then it would be me, Adam [Cole], Kyle [O’Reilly], Hunter, the people that it’s talking about who didn’t do any of the things, so none of it’s real and even people like Jim Cornette picked it up and commented on it and Jim and I have always had a great relationship. If I’m being honest, Jim hurt my feelings a little bit by believing some bullsh*t about me so easily. But yeah, it is what it is and I think that that’s what sucks most about it is that these people who write this stuff, there’s no checks and balances, there’s no ramifications when you are in the wrong. Therefore, they continue to just write whatever it is that they’re gonna write and it gets picked up by whomever and then it becomes — the fact or fiction line really doesn’t matter so, the whole thing is just absurd."

Now WHO ELSE got this wrong? OH one look at Google shows, this. 

DAMN... The recently acquired by Static Media, WrestlingInc got it wrong too? (smiles)

You want to know which wrestling writers DIDN'T get on this list of shame? That's right, the staff here at Wrestling Past And Present, because we didn't even bother to touch this story. If it looks like bullshit and smells like bullshit, then 99% it is bullshit and we're not gonna cover it. There's so much other stuff to cover that the other sites choose to neglect and blow off on a daily basis that we don't need to jump on a bandwagon like all these other sites always do. 

And who else, got it wrong? WWEELLL.. (smiles)

Now all of these sites I listed (as well as others I didn't) have ALL again, jumped on the bandwagon to quickly report what Bobby Fish said, trying to cover up the fact they ALL, got the story wrong, and they ALL, didn't have the balls to admit, they got the story wrong. 

I guess if they try not to mention it, they'll hope (?) that obvious fact would somehow 'magically' fade away, eh? Well the screen shots I've provided show they indeed got it wrong, and they have no balls to come out and admit that obvious fact.

So you can once again thank the staff here at WP&P for when it comes to getting stories right, we're at 100% success rate. Not once have we got a story wrong (which is something the Observer, PWInsider, WrestlingInc, Torch and the others I've listed can't claim or ever say), and that's something we're proud of and will always strive to have stay that way. 

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